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Topic:I'm In Love With This Car!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
robbiebI've always been a British car guy. Never thought I'd find a car that would get as many smiles and head turning as my MG. But I just got my silver 2002 Prowler on Monday Nov. 25 and I AM IN LOVE! This car blows my MG away! It feels good and it's modern, yet it still has the little idiosyncrasies that I enjoy in a car (personality). I feel like this car was made just for me! I'm sure that I'm just babbling the same thoughts that everyone has when they first get theirs, but damn it...I can't help it, I've been smiling for 3 days in a row! I'm glad to be a member of the Prowler "family"!
Todd CameronWelcome to the club... and your new Prowler addiction These cars are like Dorito's... ones never enough

2000 Black, 2001 Black Tie, 2001 Orange

robbiebThanks Todd!
TFischerAlright! Another Silver owner! Welcome to the club Robbie! Tami and Ken
Brian KingWe have called it the Smile Car for sometime and now you know why.

Welcome aboard and get ready for meeting some of the nicest people around. Not only other Prowler owners but the people who will just come up to you and starting talking to you.

Dale BeamanGlad to welcome another Silver Prowler to the club! I bought my 2001 on October 16 this year and stll smile all of the time thinking about it. It's a BLAST to drive and you just learn to live with everyone looking - which is part of the fun.



Join us often and feel free to ask questions or add your input to any ongoing DISCUSSION FORUM topic. There are no stupid questions here.



Call 911 - there is a Prowler in my garage....
3.5 power packed POA hours daily, always with rock solid analysis of all the hot topics!


Marty UsherWelcome and BTW the feeling doesn't go away after a few days. 49,000 miles later I still love driving mine.

Happy Prowling

2000 Black with hand painted blue faded to purple flames

Driving my Dream

ed monahanWelcome aboard.


This message has been edited by ed monahan on 11-28-2002 at 12:33 AM

SuperKatMarty is right. Keep smiling !!!
Originally posted by ed monahan:
Wlcome aboard.

Ed have AC be learning ya how two spell?

Robbieb Welcome!

Howler CatWelcome to the POA and better see your dentist more regularly

BTW, Nice choice of color...


This message has been edited by Howler Cat on 11-27-2002 at 11:47 PM

ed monahanScotty, the "e" is silent. lol.
JCProwlerWeclome, congrats on your new Prowler!!!
Laddie Rousselrobbieb.

Congrats on your Prowler and Welcome to the POA...b


Black Tie 161welcome!

You will never get tired of the car, but the first few weeks of ownership will make you unusually giggly! It took about a month to realize we actually own this car!

robbiebThanks everybody! You sure know how to make a person feel welcome! And yes Black Tie, every time I drive the car (which so far has been almost constantly....you know going to the store unexpectedly to get things you really "need"-every hour on the hour!) I have that "I can't believe this is really mine" thought! Even though I'm 41, I keep waiting for the "grown-ups" to come take my toy away!
By the way, HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone on this board from the USA!
Randy CobbRobbieb:
Congrats on the new Kat and welcome to POA!
Glad to here there is another Kat in the Carolinas.
There aren't many in our neck of the woods, but the numbers are growing.
Post often and maybe we can get together soon.
Happy Thanksgiving!
BeWareRobbieb Congrats and welcome. After three and half years I still feel the same.
Black Tie 161Told ya so!
MeanGeneRobbieb - WELCOME TO THE POA
JeraneWWelcome to the club. Good taste, almost. If you would just paint the hood and trunk BLACK, then it would be complete! Just kidding.
WildCatWelcome to the Prowler Owners Association

I do not drive mine as much now but I still have a hard time believing sometimes that it is MY CAR

Join in at the events and be prepared to do a few mods.

Was at the Turkey Rod Run this past weekend I was talking to a Black Tie owner (sorry I'm really bad with names) He said he thought he would leave it as it was but after seeing some of the others might have to do something.

Larry & Sue Mayes

This message has been edited by WildCat on 12-03-2002 at 03:06 PM

ed monahanLarry, I think I was once one of those guys who was going to leave it totally stock (and it still is, except for the mods).

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